In this remarkable documentary by British TV station "Channel 4", we are introduced to the students and staff at "Patrick Henry College", somewhere in the USA.
It's not just any college: the founder claims that the college is patterned after elite universities like Yale and it's purpose is to create a new kind of elite that will take over the country in order to change it according to their own ideas.
This is the breeding place for what the makers of the video have dubbed "God's Next Army".
New students have to sign so-called "covenants", wherein they bind themselves to the rules of the school. No drinking alcohol, for example. And if you're caught doing it, the video shows what happens then. You will have to "confess your sins" for a big audience.
The students are a great tool in the hands of the Republican party. They go from door to door, even lobby in Washington to help the big businesses in their efforts privatize everything. And there's even some perverted biblically sounding argument for it: since "The Earth Is The Lord's", this means the earth should be exploited by private businesses rather than the society as a whole.
We also see what kind of lessons the students receive. We hear quotes like "Christianity reigns" and so on. Yes, this is a bastion of Dominionism: a "Christian" New World Order!
Within the circles of Dominionism, the term "Body of Christ" is used in such a way, that they make the Body of Christ which is the church into the very Body of Christ, with all the Divine attributes. Ergo: the Church has to rule the world, take "dominion".
And of course, while the students have the idea that they are actually creating "Gods Kingdom on earth" because they are "the Body of Christ", Babylon is behind it: How many Christians have been deceived into believing that George W. Bush, the visitor of Bohemian Grove and member of Skull and Bones, is a true born again Christian?
A scaring report from a very troubling form of "Christian Theocracy" that will surely make people who have to suffer under Dominionism hate Jesus Christ even more. the "Jesus Christ" of Babylon Sponsored "Christianity", that is...
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